How to learn Spanish in Spain?

Would you like to learn Spanish in Spain in a different way? Because learning Spanish goes beyond classroom lessons, and more than a total immersion in the culture, daily life and beauty of this country.

That's why we are going to explore different approaches to learning Spanish in Spain so that you can live a unique, fun and enriching language adventure.

1. Choose your ideal destination

The destination you choose to learn Spanish in Spain can greatly influence your experience; and at donQuijote Spanish language school you will have 11 cities to choose from.

You can choose Barcelona, with its vibrant city life; Granada, with its captivating Moorish history; Madrid, with a 10-star nightlife; or Valencia, with its mix of modernity and tradition. But there are also destinations such as Salamanca, Seville, Alicante, Tenerife, Malaga... Each city offers you a unique immersive experience to make your trip a success.

2. Immerse yourself in everyday life

There's nothing like immersing yourself in everyday and local life to learn a new language. You can stay with a host family for maximum immersion in the local culture and traditions. Casual conversations over a meal or attending a family event are unique and invaluable opportunities to practice your Spanish.

You can ask them any questions you may have about the Spanish way of life in that city or get an insight into the family's celebrations.

You also have the option of staying in a student residence or in a shared apartment with people of your age, of other nationalities, and live Spanish together. Make lifelong friendships and discover the Spanish city that most appeals to you with them.

3. Take part in intensive language courses

Language schools in Spain like donQuijote offer intensive Spanish courses that combine academic learning with practical experience. These courses offer a variety of levels, suitable for both beginners and advanced learners. Qualified and passionate teachers are on hand to guide you through your learning journey, while offering cultural immersion through extra-curricular activities.

4. Practise Spanish language with locals

There's nothing like practising with native speakers to quickly improve your language skills. Don't be shy about striking up a conversation with the locals. Whether it's in a café, the local market or a park, Spaniards are generally welcoming and appreciate foreigners' efforts to speak their language.

5. Explore culture through local activities

If there is one thing that characterises Spanish culture, it is its richness and diversity. So, during your stay to learn Spanish in Spain, make the most of it and take part in as many cultural activities as you can. Joining these local events will enrich your vocabulary and learning, while at the same time integrating you into the culture.

Attend Spanish music concerts, theatre performances, festivals or community events. These experiences will immerse you in the language as well as in everyday Spanish life.

6. Participate in group activities

Join theatre groups, dance groups or your favourite sport. Not only will you take part in activities that interest you, but you will also learn vocabulary and meet Spaniards with the same interests as you.

Group activities will allow you to meet other Spanish students and locals, practise the language in a variety of contexts and create links with people who share your passion for Spanish language and culture.

7. Explore the surrounding area while travelling

Make the most of your stay in Spain to explore as many Spanish cities as you can. Take day trips to historical sites, natural parks or picturesque beaches. Or take a weekend trip to cities close to where you are staying.

Travelling to different parts of Spain will introduce you to different accents, regional expressions and local customs. All these trips and visits will enrich your understanding of the language and allow you to see how people live in different parts of Spain.

In conclusion, learning Spanish in Spain is much more than just a stage in the acquisition of a new language. It's an adventure rich in cultural discoveries, human encounters and stimulating challenges.

By adopting a diversified approach and immersing yourself in everyday Spanish life, every day becomes an opportunity to improve your language skills while exploring the beauty and diversity of this fascinating country.